SOURCE: shortlister.
The question of gender equality has been at the forefront for the past couple of decades; nevertheless, women in the workplace still face a unique set of challenges and difficulties in the office. Hence, we collected the most impactful women in the workplace statistics to show you the landscape as it stands in 2022:
- The number of women in the labor force has been at the lowest rate in the past 30 years. (
- The number of women in the workplace was highest in 2019. There were 79,457,808 women in the workforce, or a share of 47.4%. Only 32.2% of women were employed in the top 10 occupations. (
- According to the Women’s Bureau of U.S. Department of Labor, in 2019, teaching was reported a top occupation for women, employing the largest number of women – 4,364,262. (
- A study by the IZA Institute of Labor Economics suggests that women are 24% more likely to permanently lose their jobs in comparison to men because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Also, women expect a decrease in their labor income by 50% more than their male colleagues. (
- Even though 50% of the population is female, women generate just 37% of global GDP. (
- According to PwC research, 85% of female millennials prefer working for companies with strong employer policies on diversity and workforce inclusion. However, 71% of them report that even though companies talk about diversity, the opportunities in the workplace aren’t really equal. (
- One research showed that companies with more women and stronger human capital policies have higher employee productivity rates. (
- In the U.S., due to the COVID-19 recession, 11.5 women lost their jobs between February and May 2020 compared to 9 million men. (
- Three sectors accounted for 59% of the total loss – leisure and hospitality, education and health services, and retail trade. In these sectors, 47% of the jobs were held by women, and just 28% by men. (
- Among women, Hispanic women have experienced a greater decline in employment (-21%) in comparison to other women and men. (
- Black women are almost four times as likely as white women to face microaggressions. Asian women and Latinas are two to three times as likely to experience microaggressions in the workplace. (
- A study on flexible work hours showed that men are perceived more favorably than women when seeking work-life balance. (
- Once the pandemic is over, up to 69% of women with children want to work from home at least one day a week compared to 56% of men with children. (
- One in three women and 60% of mothers with young children spend five or more hours a day on caregiving and housework. Moreover, 42% of women in the workplace said they felt burned out. (
- Even though 48% of women reported COVID-19’s negative impact on their careers, almost 2 in 3 women who left the workforce plan to return to work. Moreover, 8 in 10 are considering jobs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). (
- For every 100 men promoted to managers, only 85 women were promoted. This gap is greater for black women (58) and Latinas (71). Thus, at the beginning of 2020, women held just 38% of manager-level positions versus 62% of men. (
- A study by the Center for Creative Leadership shows that companies and organizations with more female employees have more meaningful work and job satisfaction, better organization and dedication, and lower rates of burnout. (
- By age 31, women are more likely than men to have earned a bachelor’s degree. This refers to white, black women, as well as Latinas. (
- Gender-diverse businesses report higher average revenue rates and better employee engagement. (
- Various studies show that when women are hired only to fill quotas, it harms the relationships between co-workers. (
- Due to high burnout rates, one in three women considers leaving the labor force or downshifting their careers. (
- Globally, 606 million women (21.7%) perform full-time unpaid care work, versus only 41 (1.5) million men. (
- In 2020, women held 20.6% of corporate board seats globally. (
- Women feel more stressed at the workplace because of the pandemic (72%) in comparison to their male colleagues (61%). (
- One in fifteen Asian women works in an entry-level position, but only one in fifty Asian women is in the C-suite. (
- More than 60% of Black women have experienced racial trauma in the workplace in the past year. (
- U.S. Census Bureau data shows that females have higher rates of college enrollment in comparison to males, especially among blacks and Hispanics. (
- Two of every three caregivers in the U.S. are women providing daily or regular support to children, the elderly, or people with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Thus, their risk for poor mental health is bigger, with the pandemic aggravating the stressful nature of their job. (
- Mothers of young children, especially when they are ‘gender only’ in the organization, face more challenges and difficulties at the workplace. (
- Between February 2020 and February 2021, 2.4 million women have left the workforce compared to 1.8 million men. (
- Due to the pandemic and high burnout rates, four in ten women have considered switching jobs or leaving their company. (
- In senior leadership positions, men outnumber women two to one even though employees are equally likely to say that women and men leaders have supported their career development. Moreover, 38% of senior-level women mentor or sponsor one woman of color. This percentage for senior-level men supporting women of color is 26. (
- McKinsey’s 2018 Women in the Workplace report shows that 55% of women in senior leadership and 48% of lesbians faced sexual harassment in the workplace. Moreover, 45% of women in technical fields have been sexually harassed, followed by 30% of women of color. Generally, 30% of all women in the labor force experienced sexual harassment throughout their careers. (
- According to McKinsey Global Institute Report, $12 trillion could be added to global GDP by 2025 by advancing women’s equality worldwide. (
- Women in emerging economies have more challenges than their colleagues in developed countries. (
The post 35 Women in the Workplace Statistics in 2022 appeared first on SecondActWomen.